
Learn how to compress assets with a query.

The Compress API is available in the Custom plan.

​Compress a 3D asset

POST https://api.echo3D.com/compress

This endpoint allows you to compress a 3D model.

Request Body


Action Descriptions and Priority

1. Resizing

If a Compress API call is sent with resize=true,the model will be resized based on the ratio value given.

2. Polygon Reduction

If a Compress API call is sent with no resize parameter or with resize=false, the model will be decimated (poly reduced) based on the ratio value given.

3. echo3d Ultimate Compression

If a Compress API call is sent with no resize parameter or with resize=false and ultimateCompress=true, the model will go through extensive compression which dramatically reduces file size. When compressing a file directly (not an entry), only .gltf and .glb files are supported. Only supports a .glb output and works with selected 3D players. Note that this compression may be lossy.

4. Draco Compression

If a Compress API call is sent with no resize parameter or with resize=false and compressGlb=true, the model will go through lossless Draco compression which reduces file size. Only supports a .glb output and works with selected 3D players.

5. gltfpack

If a Compress API call is sent with no resize parameter or with resize=false, no compressGlb parameter or compressGlb=false, and gltfpack=true, the model will be optimized using the glftpack tool. You should send the file (in .gltf or .glb format) using the fileToCompress parameter, or the entry ID or the Poly model ID using the modelId parameter. You can also add command-line parameters for gltfpack:

  • cc to produce a compressed output.

  • tc to compress textures.

6. gltf-transform

If a Compress API call is sent with no resize parameter or with resize=false, no compressGlb parameter or compressGlb=false, and gltfpack=false, the model will be optimized using the gltf-transform tool. You should set the gltf-transform parameter as the command to run with gltftransform=<COMMAND> (list can be found here), and send the file (in .gltf or .glb format) using the fileToCompress parameter. You can also add command-line parameters for gltftransform, for example:

  • gltftransform set to resize.

  • width set to 256.

  • height set to 256.

Last updated